Dear Church Family親愛的弟兄姊妹,

Many of us woke up to the disheartening news that Russia has launched it’s invasion on Ukraine.  No one yet knows how the Russian invasion of Ukraine will conclude. But before then we can be sure that much suffering and death will result.  As Christians and followers of the Prince of Peace, we know that violence has no place in this world.  We believe and look forward to the day when there will be no more war, pain, and suffering.  Until then, it is our responsibility as believers to offer the unshakable hope of Christ and his gospel as fear continues to rise with the possibility of escalation of this war.  I urge all of you to take the time this week to pray for these things:
  • Pray for peace to reign in Eastern Europe and that Russian attacks would not continue
  • Pray for the people of Ukraine, especially for those in the areas trying to flee where Russian forces occupy.
  • Pray for US, European, and yes, even Russian leaders for discernment and wisdom in their actions and to do right in the eyes of God.
  • Pray for the Christian Church that resides in Ukraine.  Not many know that Ukraine has a very strong church that sends missionaries all over Europe and Central Asia.  While this is a physical war, it is just as much a spiritual war for the souls in Europe as well.
If you would like some encouragement from God’s Word this week, please read Psalms 2 that speaks on the fallacy of world leaders and encourages us to take refuge in God’s as He is the Just ruler of ALL nations.  May God intervene and save His people.

• 祈求東歐和平,俄羅斯的襲擊不會持續
• 為烏克蘭人民祈禱,尤其是為那些試圖逃離俄羅斯軍隊佔領地區的人們祈禱。
• 為美國、歐洲,甚至俄羅斯領導人禱告,讓他們在行動中具有洞察力和智慧,並在神的眼中做正確的事。
• 為居住在烏克蘭的基督教會禱告。沒有多少人知道烏克蘭有一個非常強大的教會,它向歐洲和中亞各地派遣傳教士。雖然這是一場軀體的戰爭,但對於歐洲的靈魂來說,這同樣是一場精神上的戰爭。



Nick TamOutreach & Youth Pastor