Our Staff

Aaron Yeung
Aaron YeungCantonese Pastor
Aaron was born and raised in Hong Kong; he lived there until the year he came to the USA for college. While he was still in Hong Kong he came to know about the bible stories of Jesus through the Catholic school that he was attending and he believed that Jesus is God; however, he didn’t truly understand the way of salvation yet. He came to embrace God’s saving grace in Christ while he was in college. After conversion, he returned to Hong Kong for a short while. During that time he joined a mission group called “Youth With A Mission,” in which he met his wife Christina. Later he returned to the USA and soon he began contemplating going into ministry. After finishing his M.Div. program at Golden Gate Baptism Seminary he became the Cantonese pastor at the First Baptist Chinese Church in Sacramento. Later he moved to Hawaii and served at the Honolulu Chinese Alliance Church. In 2009 his family moved back to California. He served at two different churches before joining Grace Community Church.
“I pray that God will continue to use me to proclaim His salvation as the Epistle of Hebrews does and use me to bless His church. I covet your prayers so that I may accomplish what the Lord has me to do for His church. Hobby wise, I enjoy gardening and horticulture. I hope to have the opportunity to visit the Holy Land before too long.”

後,他成為沙加缅度第一華人浸信會的粵語牧師。後來他搬到夏威夷,在檀島華人 宣道會事奉。 2009年,他和家人搬回了加利福尼亞。在加入救恩 堂之前,他曾在兩個不同的教會事奉。

Nick Tam
Nick TamEnglish Pastor and Acting Lead Pastor
Nick was born and raised in San Jose, California. He attended church as a child, but it wasn’t until his sister led him to salvation in Jesus Christ that he began to understand his faith. During high school, he became very involved with the youth group at his church and felt the general call to ministry since then. He then relocated to Los Angeles to receive a BS in Business Administration from Cal Poly Pomona in 2008, and worked as a web developer for a year at Dreambox Creations. Nick answered his call to ministry and joined Chinese Grace Baptist Church in October 2009, where he currently leads the English congregation and ministries for English-speakers. He completed his Master of Divinity at BIOLA University’s Talbot School of Theology, and looks forward to seeing God work in and through his life.
“I seek to deepen my relationship with God and trust Him to lead my life. I’ve felt the calling to serve Him full-time since high school and nothing is more exciting to me than to see God working in my life and others’ lives. I enjoy reading God’s Word, photography, guitar, basketball, volleyball, and anything related to technology.”

譚世傑牧師於2009年10月加入浸信會救恩堂,現任英文牧師和代理主任牧師。他出生及長大於北加州聖荷西市。他移居南加州並於2008年獲得波莫那加州理工大學工商管理學士學位。他已獲得拜歐拉大學神學碩士學位, 繼續忠心事奉神。
“我追求加深與神的關係並相信他會在我的生命中引導我。 從高中開始我就感到神呼召我全心全意事奉他, 當我看到神在我和其他人生命中作工時我就無比興奮。業餘時間我喜歡彈吉他,打籃球,開車和閱讀。”

Our Deacons

Wilson Chiu
Wilson ChiuDeacon
Lily Kwok
Lily KwokDeaconess