Message Title 信息: 明智的母親 Wise Mothers
Scripture Passage 經文: 箴言 Proverbs 22:5-6
Pastor Aaron Yeung 楊家逵
Message Outline 大綱:
1. 不全都是龍鳳 Not All Dragons and Phoenixes
2. 相信詩篇139 Believe Truth in Psalm 139
3. 示范聖經教訓 Model Biblical Teachings
Message Title 信息: 明智的母親 Wise Mothers
Scripture Passage 經文: 箴言 Proverbs 22:5-6
Pastor Aaron Yeung 楊家逵
Message Outline 大綱:
1. 不全都是龍鳳 Not All Dragons and Phoenixes
2. 相信詩篇139 Believe Truth in Psalm 139
3. 示范聖經教訓 Model Biblical Teachings