Message Title 信息: Called To Be Positive 被召喚要樂觀
Message Series 講道系列: Called To… 被召喚
Message Texts 經文: Philippians 腓立比書 2 : 5-9
Pastor David Arghir 大衛阿吉爾牧師

Message Outline 大綱:

How to be a positive person? 如何做一個樂觀向上的人?
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus “你們當以基督耶穌的心為心”(Phil. 腓立比書 2 : 5)

Principle I 原則一: Develop A Good Thinking 培養良好的思維

Principle II 原則二: Listen to Positive Words from Scripture 聆聽聖經中的樂觀話語

Principle III 原則三: Focus on Positive Sight 關注於樂觀的視野

Principle IV 原則四: Use Language with Positive Words 用樂觀的語言表達

Principle V 原則五: Act and Live out Positively 樂觀地行動和生活

Principle VI 原則六: Participate to Positive Meetings and Places 參與樂觀的集會和場所