4/17 Easter Service: Unstoppable God 勢不可擋的上帝 4/17 Easter Service: Unstoppable God 勢不可擋的上帝 Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-04-17T10:52:05-07:00
4/15 Good Friday Service: Jesus’ Distress 耶穌受難日: 耶穌的苦難 4/15 Good Friday Service: Jesus’ Distress 耶穌受難日: 耶穌的苦難 Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-04-15T11:33:49-07:00
4/10 Service: The Power We Need 4/10 Service: The Power We Need Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-04-09T21:16:45-07:00
4/3 Service: Journey to the End: Serve like Jesus 4/3 Service: Journey to the End: Serve like Jesus Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-04-02T12:14:51-07:00
3/27 Service: Called To Be A Sower 被召喚…撒種 3/27 Service: Called To Be A Sower 被召喚…撒種 Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-03-27T09:14:08-07:00
3/20 Service: 亂世中信徒該如何活下去? Thriving in a chaotic world? 3/20 Service: 亂世中信徒該如何活下去? Thriving in a chaotic world? Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-03-20T09:53:36-07:00
3/13 Service: Called To Bless 被召喚…祝福 3/13 Service: Called To Bless 被召喚…祝福 Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-03-12T18:46:05-08:00
3/6 Service: Called To Celebrate 被召喚… 3/6 Service: Called To Celebrate 被召喚… Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-03-05T21:43:44-08:00
Church and COVID19疫情中的教會 Church and COVID19疫情中的教會 Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-02-26T12:08:50-08:00
2/20 Service: A Call to Remember & Praise 記念與讚美 2/20 Service: A Call to Remember & Praise 記念與讚美 Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2022-02-25T18:14:31-08:00