4/16 Service 粤語崇拜: 可信有效的的見證 Credible and Effective Testimonies 4/16 Service 粤語崇拜: 可信有效的的見證 Credible and Effective Testimonies Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2023-04-15T20:58:33-07:00
4/9 Easter Service 粤語崇拜: Made New 更新了! 4/9 Easter Service 粤語崇拜: Made New 更新了! Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2023-04-08T22:03:33-07:00
4/2 粤語崇拜: 如何得到真正的福分How to Receive the True Blessings 4/2 粤語崇拜: 如何得到真正的福分How to Receive the True Blessings Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2023-04-01T16:51:04-07:00
3/26 粤語崇拜: The Significance of the Insignificant 平凡人的重要性 3/26 粤語崇拜: The Significance of the Insignificant 平凡人的重要性 Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2023-03-24T23:34:10-07:00
3/19 粤語崇拜: 可信有效的的見證 Credible and Effective Testimonies 3/19 粤語崇拜: 可信有效的的見證 Credible and Effective Testimonies Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2023-03-18T18:54:09-07:00
3/12 粤語崇拜: 基督教的奇妙 The Wonders of Christianity 3/12 粤語崇拜: 基督教的奇妙 The Wonders of Christianity Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2023-03-11T20:40:18-08:00
3/5 Joint Service: Who’s Your One? 誰是你的那一位? 3/5 Joint Service: Who’s Your One? 誰是你的那一位? Chinese Messages, English Messages Pastor Nick2023-03-04T12:35:19-08:00