GCC Connected | November 2021

We Are Thankful for You! 我們感謝你!

Hi Everyone!

With everything that has happened over the past year and a half, we are so grateful for how God provided in amazing ways through this difficult season. We are thankful that you continued to remain faithful and committed to the work our Lord has given to each and every believer. While we all faced many difficult challenges, we believe that God still deserves our gratitude and thanks. That is why we would like to invite you to our Thanksgiving lunch so that we may give thanks and praise as one body. The lunch will be on Thanksgiving day in our fellowship hall starting at 10:30am. This year, it will not be a potluck, but you are certainly welcomed to bring something to share! If you would like to join the lunch, please RSVP at https://gracecommunitympk.org/event/thanksgiving-luncheon/ so that we can make sure we have enough food at the table! We will also notify RSVP’d guests of any updates should they arise prior to the event. We look forward to sharing a meal and giving thanks to God together!


在過去的一年半所發生的一切, 讓我們非常感謝上帝在這個艱難的季節以驚人的方式作出幫助。 我們感謝你能繼續忠心並委身於我們的主賦予每一位信徒的工作。 雖然我們都需要面臨許多艱難的挑戰, 但我們相信上帝仍然值得我們感激和感謝。 這就是為什麼我們想邀請你參加我們的感恩節午餐,以便我們可以整體作出感謝和讚美。 午餐將於感恩節上午 10:30 在我們的團契大廳舉行。 今年並不是各自攜帶食物聚餐, 但當然也歡迎你帶東西來分享! 如果你想參加午餐, 請在 https://gracecommunitympk.org/event/thanksgiving-luncheon/ 作出回覆, 這樣我們才能夠確保餐桌上有足夠的食物供應! 如果在活動之前有任何更改,我們還可以通知已回覆的客人。 我們期待與大家一起分享這次聚餐,一起感謝上帝!