GCC Connected | February 2022

For English translation, scroll down ˅



  • 明天我們將慶祝農曆新年!我們很樂意與大家分享上帝的祝福,並在崇拜結束後享用一頓美味午餐和其他一些好吃的東西!由於最近 Covid 病例激增,我們將安排午餐裝在單獨的盒子裡,讓你可以帶回家或在我們戶外的停車場用餐。
  • 2月13 日星期日,我們會有一個特別的機會讓所有情侶在我們的主題情人節照相亭拍照留念。所有拍照的夫婦都將獲得一張免費的 5×7 列印照片(下週郵寄或親自交付)。 這是開放予任何人的拍照留念,歡迎邀請你的家人和朋友!不要忘記悉心打扮並帶上你的伴侶!
  • 我們的生命小組將在接下來的幾週內開始恢復。 這個星期四晚上 7:30,英語成人生命小組將恢復。 如果您有興趣加入,請聯繫大衛牧師。 青年和大學生 (YAC) 的生命小組將計劃於 3 月的某個時候開始 (更多細節待定)。 我們還準備開設另一個生命小組,該小組介於我們的YAC 和英文成人小組之間的人,該小組將於本月晚些時候開始。
  • 我們鼓勵每個人與我們的團契和服務保持聯繫。 雖然我們明白到大流行的擔憂,但我們繼續以安全和負責任的方式對親身的實體崇拜保持開放態度。 無論你是親自加入我們還是以線上崇拜方式加入我們,你都可以聯繫到許多團契! 因此請務必查看我們所有線上團契和生命小組的更新列表,以獲取更多資訊以及有關這些團契的聯繫方式。
  • 我們目前正在尋找清潔服務來清潔我們的教堂。在此期間,請幫助保持我們的設施清潔整齊。 如果你認識一些值得信賴的人或公司對此有興趣,請與Gilbert弟兄聯絡。復活節週末之前將會安排一個教堂清潔日。
  • 我們計劃在耶穌受難日(4月15日)和復活節主日(4月17日)進行實體崇拜。 更多細節即將公佈,但請謹慎地考慮一下在接下來的幾週內與 1-2 個人分享你的信仰, 並邀請他們參加我們的主日崇拜, 尤其是復活節主日。 仍然有許多人在生活中需要上帝的希望與平安,可能這就是他們認識的人的簡單邀請的開始。
  • 記住這日子! 我們計劃在 11 月 6 日星期日正式慶祝我們的 50 週年!有關慶祝活動的更多細節將陸續公佈。如果你想為這次慶祝活動提供幫助,請告訴我!
  • 在我們為第50 週年做準備時,今年有一些維修和翻新項目正在進行中。 如果你想幫助這些項目中的任何一個,請告訴我們!我們很樂意為這些項目提供服務時間。

正如你所看到的,我們教會將進行很多事項。 要及時瞭解任何更新,請務必在星期日訊息之後聽取我們的每週公佈。 我們期待著我們的團契,並請你繼續鼓勵並為彼此祈禱。 「你要專心仰賴耶和華,不可倚靠自己的聰明,在你一切所行的事上都要認定他,他必指引你的路。」箴言 3:5-6。

Happy New Year Church Family!

We hope you all have had a festive New Year’s celebration with your family and loved ones! We pray for God’s continued protection and blessing, and for fruitfulness in your faith this year! We are entering into another busy season of church related activities leading up to Easter, so here are the updates:

  • We will be celebrating Chinese New Year tomorrow! We would love to share God’s blessing with you all with a meal and some other goodies following the service! Due to the recent surge in Covid cases, we will be packing the lunch in individual boxes that you may take home or eat outdoors in our parking lot.
  • On Sunday the 13th, we will have a special opportunity for all the couples to take a photo in our themed Valentine’s day photo booth. All couples who have their pictures taken will get a free 5×7 print of their photo (Mailed or hand delivered the following week). This is photo op is opened to anyone so invite your family and friends too! Don’t forget to dress up and bring your partner!
  • Our Life Groups will start to resume over the next few weeks. This coming Thursday at 7:30pm, the English Adult Life Group will resume. Please contact Pastor David if you are interested in joining. The Young Adult & College (YAC) Life Group is scheduled to start sometime in March (more details to come). We are also starting another Life Group geared for people in-between our YAC and English Adult groups that will start later this month.
  • We encourage everyone to remain connected to our fellowships and services. While we recognize the concerns of the pandemic, we continue to remain open for in-person worship in a safe and responsible manner. Whether you join us in person or virtually, there are a number of groups you can connect with! So be sure to check out the updated list of all our virtual fellowships and Life Groups for more information and who to contact about those groups.
  • We are still currently looking for janitorial services to clean our church property. In the meantime, please help keep our facilities clean and orderly. If you know a trustworthy person or company who may be interested, please talk to brother Gilbert. A church cleanup day will be scheduled before Easter weekend.
  • We do plan to have in-person worship for Good Friday (4/15), and Easter Sunday (4/17). More details to come, but prayerfully consider thinking about 1-2 people you would like to share your faith with these next few weeks and invite them to our Sunday services, especially Easter Sunday. There are still many people who need God’s hope and peace in their life and sometimes that begins with a simple invitation from someone they know.
  • Save the date! We plan to officially celebrate our 50th Anniversary on Sunday, November 6! More details about the celebration will follow. If you would like to help out with this celebration, please let me know!

    There are a few repair and renovation projects being lined up this year as we prepare for our 50th. If you would like to lend a hand to any of these projects, please let us know! We would be glad to provide service hours for these projects.

As you can see there are quite a few things happening at our church. To stay up-to-date on any changes be sure to tune into our weekly announcements following the Sunday message. We look forward to our fellowship and we ask that you continue to encourage and pray for one another. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV).