GCC Connected | August 2021

Hi Everyone!

Hope you all are doing well! We continue to pray for you all and thank God for each of you. I’ll keep this email short, but we have a few updates that we would like to share with you.

  • We are planning a church cleanup day on August 28th to help clean and prepare our church for the new church year! We can use all the help that we can get! Please talk to Francis if you are available to help.
  • On Sunday, August 29, after our service, we will be holding our annual Business Meeting to approve our 2021-2022 officers and budget. We ask all members to join us for this meeting in our sanctuary that day. No virtual option will be provided.
  • Due to the rapid rise in Covid-19 cases in Los Angeles County, we will be postponing our Labor Day BBQ and push back to church until it is safer to do so.
  • Sunday Worship will continue both in-person and online at 11 am. Our Chinese Sunday School and Sweet Time of Prayer also will continue to meet in-person and online on Sundays. For those who join in-person, we require masks to be worn at all times and try to physically distance as much as possible. We will continue to take safety precautions, and sanitization procedures to make sure it is a safe environment.
  • There is a virtual English mid-week Bible study being offered every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month starting August 24th from 7:30pm – 8:45pm. It is open for all ages. If you are interested please talk to Dc. Lily.
  • As we know more concrete plans for the future, we will send an update. Please continue to pray for our church and the whole pandemic situation. We know this has been impacting our lives greatly.

We look forward to the day when we get to worship and fellowship with all of you in person! Until then, we pray that you all remain healthy and filled with passion for God’s Kingdom.



  • 8月28日將舉辦教會清潔活動,幫助清潔和準備我們的教堂,迎接新的教會年!祈望大家踴躍參與進行大掃除, 齊齊為我們神的家出一分力, 有關詳情請與 Francis弟兄查詢。
  • 8月29日星期日,在我們主日崇拜結束後,我們將舉行年度業務會議,以批核我們2021-2022年的理事會人員及預算。請所有會員當天在我們的教會禮堂參加這次會議。此會議不會通過線上選擇。
  • 由於洛杉磯縣的Covid-19病例迅速增加,勞動節燒烤日將延期,並將其推回教堂,直到安全為止。
  • 主日崇拜將繼續在上午11點進行,包括實體主日崇拜和線上主日崇拜。我們的中文主日學和祈禱會也繼續將在周日實體聚會和線上見面。對於那些親自參加的人,我們要求他們任何時候都戴上口罩,並儘量保持適當社交距離。為確保一個安全的環境,我們將繼續採取安全預防措施和衛生處理。
  • 從8月24日開始,每月第二和第四個星期二提供網上英語聖經學習,時間為晚上7:30-8:45。歡迎所有年齡人士參加。如果您感興趣,歡迎你們聯絡郭周穎文執事
  • 隨著我們對未來更多具體的計劃,我們將持續發送更新。我們明白疫情對大家的生活產生了巨大的影響, 請繼續為我們的教會和整個疫情禱告。


Blessings 祝福,

Pastor Nick