Message Title 信息: Everlasting Father 永在的父
Message Series 講道系列: The Light That Came Into The Darkness 光照耀黑暗
Message Texts 經文: Isaiah 以賽亞書 9:1-7
Pastor David Arghir 大衛阿吉爾牧師


Message Outline 大綱:

Principle I: The faith in the True Ancestor, Jesus, the Everlasting Father guarantees a place for you
原則一:相信真正的祖先,耶穌,永在的父 為你保證了你的位置


Principle II: The faith in the True Ancestor, Jesus, the Everlasting Father makes you part of a Family
原則二:相信真正的祖先,耶穌,永在的父 使你成為家庭的一份子


Principle III: The faith in the True Ancestor, Jesus, the Everlasting Father gives you a new blessing
原則三:相信真正的祖先,耶穌,永在的父 給你一個新的祝福