Message Title 信息: Called To Make Good Choices 做出正確的選擇
Message Series 講道系列: Called To… 被召喚
Message Texts 經文: Luke 路加福音 10: 13-24
Pastor David Arghir 大衛阿吉爾牧師


Message Outline 大綱:


Principle I 原則一: Be wise and evaluate the impact of each choice before you make it 在作出選擇之前要明智地評估每個選擇的影響


Principle II 原則二: Make distinction between repeatable and unrepeatable choices 要區分可重複和不可重複的選擇


Principle III 原則三: Choose to be transparent, as you are inside you should be outside 選擇要透明,因為你在裡面 而你應該在外面


Principle IV 原則四: Choose people/ relationships above things 選擇人 / 關係勝過一切