11/26 English Service: God with Us Brings Hope
https://youtube.com/live/7uobjDhqrqk?feature=share Message Title: God with Us Brings Hope Passages: Psalm 139:7–12,
11/12 Service: Why we worship on Sundays? 我們為什麼要星期日敬拜?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45hiU-kKUbU&ab_channel=GraceCommunityChurchofMontereyPark Title: Why we worship on Sundays? 我們為什麼要星期日敬拜? Text: 詩 篇
11/05 Service: 愛你們的仇敵 Love your enemies
Message Title 信息: 愛你們的仇敵 Love your enemies Scripture Passage 經文: 馬太福音
10/29 Service: 如何面對撒旦? Are you ready for Satan?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXTMa8Ul48s&ab_channel=GraceCommunityChurchofMontereyPark Message Title 信息: 如何面對撒旦? Are you ready for Satan? Scripture
10/22 Service: 世界需要維和者 Peacemakers needed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5rEw-KCdiM&ab_channel=GraceCommunityChurchofMontereyPark 10/22 Service: 世界需要維和者 Peacemakers needed Message Title 信息: 世界需要維和者 Peacemakers
10/15 Service God Shall Arise 神將出擊
Message Title 信息: God Shall Arise 神將出擊 Scripture Passage 經文: Psalm
10/08 Service 你對神失望嗎? Disappointed with God?
Message Title 信息: 你對神失望嗎? Disappointed with God? Scripture Passage 經文: 詩篇
10/01 Service 為什麼聖餐不能外賣 Why no takeout for Holy Communion?
Message Title 信息: 為什麼聖餐不能外賣 Why no takeout for Holy Communion? Scripture
9/24 Service 粤語崇拜: 作門徒的本質 The Essence of discipleship
Message Title 信息: 作門徒的本質 The Essence of discipleship Scripture Passage 經文:
9/17 Service 粤語崇拜: 天路之糧 Food that endures to eternal life
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHZLVsxsoS8&ab_channel=GraceCommunityChurchofMontereyPark Message Title 信息: 天路之糧 Food that endures to eternal life
9/10 Service 粤語崇拜: 被耶穌拒絕? Rejected by Jesus?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xERw06v3Hrw Message Title 信息: 被耶穌拒絕? Rejected by Jesus? Scripture Passage 經文:
9/03 Service 粤語崇拜:亞伯拉罕的阿門(信仰) Abraham’s Amen (Belief)
Message Title 信息: 亞伯拉罕的阿門(信仰)Abraham's Amen (Belief) Scripture Passage 經文: 羅馬書 4
8/27 Service 粤語崇拜: 你對耶穌有偏見嗎?Are you Biased Against Jesus?
Text: 約翰John 5:31-40 outline 1.施洗約翰的見證 The testimony of John the Baptist
8/20 Service 粤語崇拜: 降服於耶穌 Surrender to Jesus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZn25n88PMo Title: 降服於耶穌 Surrender to Jesus Text: 約翰福音 John 5:16-24 outline:
8/13 Service 粤語崇拜: 作屬世的教會 Be a worldly church
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkf-NX3rdeE Message Title 信息: 作屬世的教會 Be a worldly church Scripture Passage