GCC Connected | March 2022

Hi Church Family!

I pray that you are all doing well in the midst of everything happening around the world. While we face troubling times, God promises that He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and His love never fails (Psalms 136). God’s love is so vast that He set in motion a plan of redemption and salvation for you and I! I believe that is an important aspect to place our faith this season as we prepare to celebrate Easter this year, and remind ourselves that God’s love has given us hope, even as we face the aftermath of the pandemic, and the crisis of the Russian and Ukraine war. Many people still need to hear that message of hope and love that God has each and every one of them! I have a number of important announcements to share, so let’s get straight to it:

  • Don’t forget to set your clocks one hour ahead! Tomorrow is daylight savings, so we will need to SPRING FORWARD.
  • Thank you to everyone who gave to the Love fund this past Sunday, which will be going directly to help Christian work being done through the International Mission Board. Please continue to pray for war that continues to rage on by using this prayer guide.
  • As some of you are aware, Los Angeles County has dropped their indoor mask mandate for fully vaccinated people. Due to the nature and type of gathering of people, we highly encourage everyone to wear their masks while indoors. We continue to encourage everyone to consider joining us for in-person worship and other Sunday activities. We are aiming to restart some of our Friday fellowships in person in April pending the case number continues to decline. We will give any updates through the fellowship leaders, so make sure you continue to stay connected to your respective fellowships so you are aware of any changes in the near future.
  • We invite everyone to join for another opportunity to hear from Rev. Aaron Yeung who will be guest preaching on March 20 at 11 am. We will be providing live translations for this service. The Pastoral Search Committee asks for any and all feedback that you may have.

    · Council has called for a special Business Meeting after our service on March 27 to propose a pastoral candidate, along with a revised 2021-2022 Budget. We ask that all Business Members attend to present their questions and vote on these matters.

  • As we continue to search for janitorial service, we are asking for help every 1st and 3rd Sundays from 9-10am to help clean and prepare our facilities for worship. As a token of our appreciation to those who help, we provide a light lunch after the service.
  • God’s Love is worth sharing! Easter is fast approaching so prayerfully consider who you can invite to our Good Friday and Easter service this year. Also ask God for opportunities to share the Good News of God’s Love and your own testimony. This year’s Good Friday service will be on Friday, April 15th at 7:30pm, and Easter Service will be the following Sunday at 11am. More details to follow!

I look forward to engaging with all of you in the work that has been set before us. May we continue to remain faithful to the calling God has given us! If there is anything that you would like to speak to Pastor David or myself for prayer and pastoral counseling, please feel free to connect with us.


我祈禱在世界各地發生的一切中你們都會做得很好。 當我們面臨困難時,上帝應許他永遠不會離開我們或拋棄我們(希伯來書 13:5),他的愛永遠不會衰退(詩篇 136)。 上帝的愛是如此廣大,以至於他為你我啟動了一個救贖和拯救的計劃! 我相信這是在我們準備今年慶祝復活節時樹立信心的一個重要方面,並提醒自己,即使我們面臨疫情的後果,以及俄羅斯和烏克蘭戰爭的危機,許多人仍然需要聽到上帝給他們每個人的希望和愛的資訊!我有一些重要的聲明要分享,所以讓我們直接開始吧:

  • 我期待著與大家一起參與擺在我們面前的工作。願我們繼續忠於上帝給我們的呼召!如果你有任何想與大衛牧師或我本人進行禱告和牧師諮詢的事情,請隨時與我們聯繫。
  • 感謝上週日向愛基金捐款的所有人,該基金將直接通過國際傳教委員會幫助基督徒完成工作。請使用本禱指南 繼續為肆虐的戰爭祈禱。
  • 正如大家所知,洛杉磯縣已經取消了對完全接種疫苗的人在室內佩戴口罩的要求。由於人們聚集的性質和類型,我們強烈建議大家在室內佩戴口罩。我們繼續鼓勵每個人考慮加入我們進行親身的實體崇拜和其他週日活動。我們的目標是在 4 月重啟我們的一些週五團契,等待病例數子繼續下降。我們將通過團契負責人提供所有更新,因此請確保繼續與各自的團契保持聯繫,以便你瞭解近期的任何變化。
  • 我們誠邀大家一起參加,以獲得聆聽將於 3 月 20 日上午 11 點作客席講道的 Aaron Yeung 牧師的演講。我們將為這項服務提供實時翻譯。教牧搜索委員會要求你提供任何和所有回饋。
  • 理事會呼籲於 3 月 27 日崇拜結束後召開一次特別的業務會議,以提議一名牧師候選人,以及經修訂的 2021-2022 年預算。我們要求所有理事會人員出席,提出他們的問題並就這些事項進行投票。
  • 隨著我們繼續尋找清潔服務,我們會在每個第一個和第三個星期日上午 9 點至 10 點尋求幫助,以幫助清潔和準備我們的禮拜設施。為了感謝那些提供幫助的人,我們在服務結束後提供一頓簡單的午餐。
  • 神的愛值得分享!復活節快到了,所以虔誠地考慮今年你可以邀請誰人參加我們的耶穌受難日和復活節崇拜。也求神給你機會分享神愛的好消息和你自己的見證。今年的耶穌受難日崇拜將在 4 月 15 日星期五晚上 7:30 舉行,復活節崇拜將在下個星期日上午 11 點舉行。更多詳情敬請關注!
