星期日上午 9:30 點
上午 9:30 點線上崇拜重溫粵語崇拜錄音
8/27 Service 粤語崇拜: 你對耶穌有偏見嗎?Are you Biased Against Jesus?
Text: 約翰John 5:31-40 outline 1.施洗約翰的見證 The testimony of John the Baptist
8/20 Service 粤語崇拜: 降服於耶穌 Surrender to Jesus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZn25n88PMo Title: 降服於耶穌 Surrender to Jesus Text: 約翰福音 John 5:16-24 outline:
8/13 Service 粤語崇拜: 作屬世的教會 Be a worldly church
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkf-NX3rdeE Message Title 信息: 作屬世的教會 Be a worldly church Scripture Passage
8/06 Service 粤語崇拜: 只順服上帝,不順服世界 Submit Yourselves to God, Not the World
Message Title 信息: 只順服上帝,不順服世界 Submit Yourselves to God, Not the World
7/30 Service 粤語崇拜: 活出如此的生命,因為一直如此 Living a Good Christian Life All Along
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUh7jtsL1R4 Message Title 信息: 活出如此的生命,因為一直如此 Living a Good Christian Life All
7/23 Service 粤語崇拜: 在懷疑中跟隨耶穌 Following Jesus in the Midst of Doubts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Te2FBn5ukI Message Title 信息: 在懷疑中跟隨耶穌 Following Jesus in the Midst of
7/16 Service 粤語崇拜: 信心蛋白質 Proteins for faith
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aI3FNyIHs8 Message Title 信息: 信心蛋白質 Proteins for faith Scripture Passage 經文:
7/9 Service 粤語崇拜: 領撒瑪利亞人信主 Reaching Samaritans
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBt7lnKalvc&ab_channel=GraceCommunityChurchofMontereyPark 7/9 Service 粤語崇拜: 領撒瑪利亞人信主 Reaching Samaritans Message Title 信息: 領撒瑪利亞人信主
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