星期日上午 9:30 點
上午 9:30 點線上崇拜重溫粵語崇拜錄音
6/27 Service: In Searching of Wisdom
https://youtu.be/bLU7EYLSGiM Message Title: In Searching of Wisdom Message Series: How not
6/20 Service: Father’s Identity – No Longer Meaningless
https://youtu.be/kV5SL2vUqh0 Message Title: Father’s Identity: No Longer Meaningless Message Series: Identity
6/13 Service: Jesus different than we know
https://youtu.be/96wwLNrI7Io Message Title: Jesus different than we know Message Series: Identity
6/6 Service: Courage to Press On
https://youtu.be/oVj-dwqf5r0 Message Title: Courage to Press On Message Text: 1 Corinthians
5/30 Service: Defending Our Identity
https://youtu.be/Da22DQe4kys Message Title: Defending Our Identity Message Series: Identity Theft Message
5/23 Service: Two Realities in Conflict
https://youtu.be/KgWXAzAvvRo Message Title: Two Realities in Conflict Message Series: Identity Theft
5/16 Service: Living Out Our Faith In The Age of Evil
https://youtu.be/tMTk4zDW02o Message Title: Living Out Our Faith In The Age of
5/9 Service: Mother’s challenges in the present society
https://youtu.be/gWoixNC6kEc Message Title: Mother’s challenges in the present society Message Series:
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