星期日上午 9:30 點
上午 9:30 點線上崇拜重溫粵語崇拜錄音
4/30 Service 粤語崇拜: 你 們 必 須 重 生 You Must Be Born Again
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuM0fp3dRRM Message Title 信息: 你 們 必 須 重 生 You
4/23 Service 粤語崇拜: 主啊作我王 Lord, Reign In Me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA8d9jgIlpQ Message Title 信息: 主啊作我王 Lord, Reign In Me Scripture Passage
4/16 Service 粤語崇拜: 可信有效的的見證 Credible and Effective Testimonies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgXlCcNEmrE Message Title 信息: 人造奇蹟? Man-made Miracles? Scripture Passage 經文: 約
4/9 Easter Service 粤語崇拜: Made New 更新了!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNxgq1pHZ1Y Message Title 信息: Made New 更新了! Scripture Passage 經文: Matthew
4/2 粤語崇拜: 如何得到真正的福分How to Receive the True Blessings
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzt2RvNQtb8 Message Title 信息: 如何得到真正的福分How to Receive the True Blessings Scripture
3/26 粤語崇拜: The Significance of the Insignificant 平凡人的重要性
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CiYMnR01uc Message Title 信息: The Significance of the Insignificant 平凡人的重要性 Scripture
3/19 粤語崇拜: 可信有效的的見證 Credible and Effective Testimonies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgKwlDf7tMw Message Title 信息: 可信有效的的見證 Credible and Effective Testimonies Scripture Passage
3/12 粤語崇拜: 基督教的奇妙 The Wonders of Christianity
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AekXMlo2BNI Message Title 信息: 基督教的奇妙 The Wonders of Christianity Scripture Passage
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