
About Pastor Nick

Nick was born and raised in San Jose, California, and became saved through his sister. During high school, he became very involved with the youth group at his church and felt the general call to ministry since then. He then relocated to Los Angeles to receive a BS in Business Administration from Cal Poly Pomona in 2008, and worked as a web developer for a year at Dreambox Creations. Nick, answered his call to ministry and joined Chinese Grace Baptist Church in October 2009, where he currently leads Outreach and youth programs. He completed his Masters of Divinity at BIOLA University’s, Talbot school of Theology, and looks forward to serving the LORD faithfully.

GCC Connected | October 2021

GCC Connected | October 2021 It's time to FALL upon Jesus, Because He Never LEAVES 是時候倒在耶穌身上了, 因為他從不離開我們 Hi Church Family! As you gear

By |2021-10-24T08:46:16-07:0010 月 23rd, 2021|教會新聞|在〈GCC Connected | October 2021〉中留言功能已關閉

GCC Connected | September 2021

GCC Connected | September 2021 Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall! Welcome to a New Church Year! 再見了 夏天,你好啊 秋天!歡迎來到新的教會年! Hi Everyone! We hope you are

By |2021-09-17T15:57:57-07:009 月 4th, 2021|教會新聞|在〈GCC Connected | September 2021〉中留言功能已關閉
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