GCC Connected | January 2022

Dear Church Family,

We hope you are ringing in the New Year by counting God’s many blessings this past year. Our church is doing the same as we are celebrating 50 years of God’s blessings this coming Sunday! We hope that you are able to join us as we commemorate this special occasion!

While we do understand that there is a current surge in COVID cases, we still would like to encourage you to join for in-person worship as we will take extra safety precautions. As always, we ask that masks be worn at all times on premises, and hand sanitizer will be provided for your convenience. As an added bonus to those who come, we will be displaying some of our old photo albums over the next few Sunday’s for your viewing pleasure, to see some of the past history of our church!

We also still plan to have a thanksgiving lunch following this Sunday’s service, however, for everyone’s safety, we will be making To-Go boxes for everyone to take home or eat outside in our parking lot if you wish. We look forward to celebrating with you all in the New Year this Sunday!



雖然我們確實明白到現時COVID病例激增,但我們仍希望鼓勵你親自參加實體的崇拜,因為我們將會採取額外的安全預防措施。 與往常一樣,我們要求任何時候都必須佩戴口罩, 並提供消毒洗手液以方便大家使用。 作為對那些來訪者的額外獎勵,我們將在接下來的幾個星期日展示我們的一些舊相冊,以供觀賞,令大家了解我們教會的一些過去歷史!
