Hi Grace Community family this is Pastor Nick,

It’s Saturday March 21st a little after 12 p.m. I wanted to shoot this quick encouragement video for all of you. I know that this past week must have been rough or even past couple of days with just so many changes that are happening in your workplace or at home or even this church as we transition things online. I want to let you know that we are thinking about all of you and we are constantly praying for each and every one of you. I encourage you to do the same to call each other or even video chat that we are lucky to have this amazing technology. Now we get to see each other even though we can’t physically be present with each other, but we definitely have the ability to talk and pray with one another and encourage each other.
I also want to lift up lift everyone up and encourage all of you with the Bible passage and that’s from Romans 8:38-39 which says: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all of creation can separate us from the love of God, that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” And I think that’s just a great reminder for us today, that no matter what, there’s nothing in this world in this earth that can separate us from the love of God, not even this coronavirus. We get to stand firm knowing that we are loved, and as believers we get to respond in the same way because we know that we are loved and now we get to share that love and show that love to those around us. So continue to pray to lift each other up, not just your Christian brothers and sisters, but your neighbors, your family, your coworkers, and anyone around you even though you’re six feet apart. You can still show love to them in very tangible ways
With that said I want to remind all of you to please check our website. We are trying to add as much content for you guys to be able to see and hear everything that’s been going on in in this church. Tonight I will post a link for our Sunday service video by Pastor David, and there are devotionals, worship songs that you guys can sing along to and read. So check those daily as I plan to also put up daily Bible passages and readings and memory verses that is just another way that we get to continue to fellowship and be in one body reading the same passages, seeing the same content, and just singing the same worship songs.
Also with that said if you have any prayer requests or even a physical need like you are still in need of some food or supplies, especially as we are ordered to stay at home, please go to the website and check out the prayer requests section and you can fill out the form and know that we are going to pray for you. We still plan to meet virtually tomorrow during our prayer Sweet Time Of Prayer (S.T.O.P.) and know that those prayer requests will be prayed for virtually. We have prayer warriors praying for those, but also if you have specific needs or supply needs or food needs you can use that same prayer request form and just let us know and we will do our best to deliver that those supplies our food as soon as possible. You can also let me or Pastor David, or any of the Deacons know by texting, calling, or emailing us and we will try and get some something to you as soon as possible.
Lastly, I want to remind you guys that we have the online giving platform that you guys can use. If you go to our website again there is a blue give button at the top menu bar that you guys can use to use to give with your credit card or link your checking account. You can give one time or multiple time by setting up recurring payments and that’s just another form of our worship that we do. It is the act of giving as our stewardship to the resources that God has provided and know the church ministries are continuing on as we are planning to do more in terms of out reaching for those who have been affected by this coronavirus. So please continue to use that platform to give online.
Even though again we can’t physically meet we miss you I miss all of you guys when you miss the face-to-face interaction with all of you guys but we will meet one day again so for now we’re signing off!
Thank you

救恩堂弟兄姊妹你好我係譚牧師今日是3月21日,星期六,中午12點,我想為大家拍攝這個短短的鼓勵視頻,我知道我剛過去一周甚至過去幾天一定係唔容易。響學校,,工作,甚至教會都發生了很多變化. 在此我讓大家知道我們正為各人不斷祈禱。我亦都鼓勵大家同樣嘅互相打電話問候或者視頻。打電話給對方 雖然我哋唔能夠見面但係亦都可以透過電話視頻為彼此祈禱彼此問候。我而家利用一句聖經你就鼓勵大家係記在響。
羅馬書八章38因為我深信無論是死,是生,是天使,是掌權的,是有能的,是現在的事,是將來的事, 39 是高處的,是低處的,是別的受造之物,都不能叫我們與神的愛隔絕。這愛是在我們的主基督耶穌裡的。

再次提醒大家繼續為兄弟姊妹 鄰居和您的同事祈禱。
請大家打閈教會網址。我們會報告教會發生嘅事情, 會有靈修禱告。今晚我們會加上大衛牧師的信息。視頻中閱讀聖經。這是我們有另一種方式團契。如果您有任何代禱 的事項或在在食物上用品上有需要可填寫我們的表格,如果您有特定要求,我們也會為您祈禱。最後,我想提醒大家 請上我們的網址我們有禱告。詩歌。訊息 讀經等等